A downloadable game

You play as the delivery driver for the couples at the game of life residence.  However, the bad guys had taken over, and everyone wants a baby at the same time!  Your job is to save 11/11 couples by getting them at their house and delivering them to the stop sign (in front of the hospital).  Failure to do so will lead to enough paperwork to ruin your weekend!  Or your car being wrecked, depending on the circumstance.

Patch 1.1: 

Fixed issue where enemies spawned to far into road

Fixed issue where tree clipped in road

Fixed issue where house wasn't in proper place

Decreased Player speed

Increased time between shots

Patch 1.2:

Fixed issue of enemies spawning in wrong place

Increased Player speed

Decreased enemy speed

Increased enemy spawn interval

Patch 1.2.1:

Adjusted hospital hitbox

Fixed issue of enemies getting stuck at corners


GameOfLifeWeapons.zip 31 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract files.  Double click the T_BURTON_TheGameOfLifeWithWeapons file.

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